C o n t a c t   i n f o r m a t i o n
according to § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetz)

Contact via contact form.


     D I S C L A I M E R

A c c o u n t a b i l i t y    f o r   c o n t e n t
according to § 8 - 10 TMG (Telemediengesetz)

The contents of our pages have been created with the utmost care. However, we cannot guarantee the contents’ accuracy, completeness or topicality. According to statutory provisions, we are furthermore responsible for our own content on these web pages.



A c c o u n t a b i l i t y   f o r  h y p e r l i n k s
according to § 8 TMG (Telemediengesetz)

Responsibility for the content of external links lies solely with the operators of the linked pages. No violations were evident to us at the time of linking. Should any legal infringement become known to us, we will remove the respective link immediately.



C o p y r i g h t
according to § 1 UrhG (Copyright Act)

All artistic content on this site is protected by copyright. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution and any kind of exploitation in whole or in part requires the prior written consent of the copyright holder. Unless otherwise indicated, all rights are reserved to the author.  



P r i v a c y
according to BDSG (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz)

The use of published contact data by third parties for the transmission of not expressly requested information material, such as advertising and the like, is hereby expressly prohibited. In the event of a violation, legal steps are prepaid.



N e w s l e t t e r
according to § 7 UWG (Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb)

By submitting your email address you agree that we may inform you about future projects, exhibitions and offers by email. No data will be transmitted to third parties. Withdrawal from the newsletter is possible at any time without giving any reason.



S o c i a l   m e d i a
according to Facebook, Instagramm, Twitter and Vimeo

Functions of several social networks are integrated on this website. These plugins transmit personal data/content directly to the relevant media service, which collects and records it and transmits it to third parties. For more information, please refer to the privacy policy of the respective service provider.



S a l e s   t a x   -   i d e n t i f i c a t i o n n u m b e r
according to § 27a UStG (Umsatzsteuergesetz)

USt-IdNr.: 43/007/04064